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Showing posts from October, 2012

A Few of My Favourite Things

This is an archive for links which I send out with my weekly email. It's loosely organized as Dancers and Dancing, Documentaries/Movies/Music/Media, BA Milongas and the intriguingly entitled Other... A thought to live by, via @mountain_goats on Twitter 'dance like lots of people are watching and thinking about how you're so hot they can't even stand it and it's about to make them cry.' Dancers and Dancing This clip from 1992 is interesting because it's of Gustavo Naveira dancing with 11-years-old Geraldine Rojas. Tete and Silvia again. Absolutely gorgeous. Firstly in a vals And then in a tango Anna and Osvaldo dancing canyengue in the street. Tete and Silvia dancing a vals